Destiny has been my favorite game for the past two months.A couple of weeks ago there was a huge expansion to the game called taken king
there are 3 characters Warlock,Hunter,Titan.
there are new classes For Warlock:Stormcaller Titan:Sunbreaker Hunter:Nightstalker
There are common,uncommon,rare,legendary,exotic wepons in destiny exotic is the best one there are 4 new exotics i know about
These are the exotics
<--Dark drinker:Touch of malice>
Bolt caster-
Raze lighter
There are Raids in the game like Crotas End, Vault of glass, Kings Fall.
In Crotas end you have to kill
In Vault of glass you have to kill Atheon
in Kings Fall you have to kill Oryx Crotas dad
In the game there is also Quest some times you can get exotics from them and from bounties.There are Factions,Different planets,And the max level for this game is 40. There are different types of guns year 1 guns, year 2 guns.That is one little part of the game get it to find out more.